I recently found a stunning discovery that has helped me to stop spiraling into depressive episodes. In this post, I discuss this revelation in the hopes of assisting others in leading much better lives free of fear and tension.

I have recently made a very startling discovery that has helped me to stop spiraling into bouts of Depression

In this article, I write about this discovery which I hope will help other people to lead much happier lives, free from anxiety and stress.


I'm the type of person that can easily become overwhelmed. When my family or friends hurry me around here, there, and everywhere, I often feel depleted and fatigued. 

I'm sure this happens to a lot of individuals, but it impacts me in a unique way during the next twenty-four hours. 

I appear to lose all of my energy, which can easily lead to me thinking in a negative manner, which might lead to me feeling depressed.

For whatever reason, this depression might last for several days and in some ways haunt my existence. 

I begin to be concerned about the future, believe that I am a failure, to be paranoid about what other people think of me, and to be afraid to leave my house.

This is something I've discussed with my family, particularly my parents. 

They recommended I seek medical assistance. Even though this would be sound advice for most people, I believe I am the type of person who might easily get addicted to and dependent on any of the medications mentioned. 

I don't want to add to my troubles by developing an addiction.

My depression might have a solution.

I was watching television a few weeks ago when I saw something that has had a huge impact on my life. It was an army-themed program about a group of soldiers who had all appeared to get ill and were unable to execute even the most basic of tasks.

A doctor or other medical professional was dispatched to their camp to investigate the problem. The initial assumption was that it was most certainly food poisoning.

The doctor diagnosed the soldiers with salt deficiency and ordered a significant quantity of salt tablets to be delivered to the camp.

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I considered this and pondered if it could be the source of my own problems.

 Read also: 


I ate salty foods the next time I felt sad or overtired, and I'm delighted to report that my energy and confidence levels rapidly returned. Such a simple answer to what had previously been a major issue for me.

If you're prone to depression, consider adding a pinch of salt to your diet; it might just alter your life.

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